Stop Extending Your Pending Work List: Tips For International Students


Looking at the list of pending tasks can cause stress to anyone. But the problem arises when we are hard-working but still our pending work list is long. Anyone can reckon that a lazy person can have a long pending task list, but it is quite astonishing when a hardworking people have a long pending task list. This is due to a lack of time, tasks, and focus management skills. Usually, international students are the ones who face the problem of pending tasks due to a rigorous schedule. If you are an international student dealing with a long list of the pending task, then, make sure not to skip this article. 

We have written this article for those studying abroad and working hard to manage their tasks. Basically, this article is going to improve your knowledge of the basic tips that you can utilize to reduce the length of the list of pending tasks. So, we are sure that this article is going to benefit you a lot in managing your tasks on time. 

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Reduce your pending task list with the help of the following pointers:

Have a look at the following pointers and get all your pending tasks done on time. 

2-minute rule 

The 2-minute rule can help you complete a task ending for a long time. All you have to do is to just allot the task tow minutes from your day and that’s it. This will help you complete the pending task for a long time. Giving two minutes to every task will make you complete a pending task on time. 

Many people have found this rule quite helpful in avoiding procrastination. If you also want to experience its brilliance then, give a task from the pending list just two minutes and that’s all you will be able to complete your task. 

Get bored 

Getting bored for five minutes is another incredible trick to complete your tasks. In fact, many experts say that getting bored is important to creativity. When you get bored, you look for something new and creative that is good for your mind.

Thus, before starting any important work, get bored for five minutes and this will let you gather the required energy to complete your task on time. 

Focus management 

Many people follow time management strategies but they are unaware of the importance of focus management. No time management strategy will help you if you are not delivering your focus to the task. Thus, make sure to work at focus management. Give focus to the tasks at a particular time. 


Setting priority for each task is important for you to filter out the important tasks. Otherwise, staying engaged with the random unimportant tasks will make you skip the important ones which will further make your stay chaotic. 

Thus, not prioritizing the task will create a lot of problems for you during your stay abroad. 

Wake up early in the morning 

Waking up early in the morning is important as this routine lets you have sufficient time to complete your tasks on time. This is definitely true that those who wake up early in the morning manage to earn quick success rather than those who wake up late in the morning. 

Eat a healthy diet

A healthy diet plan will help you in staying healthy which will further make you active enough to do your tasks efficiently. Try relying on healthy home-cooked food for one week and observe the positive impacts on you and your efficiency in task management. 

Seeking assistance from the best professionals? If yes, then link with the best US study visa consultants and execute your USA study visa application process in a hassle-free manner. Surely, this will help you a lot in improving the visa approval chances. 


Is that not easy to reduce the length of your list of pending tasks? Of course! It is. During your stay abroad as an international student, you will be receiving immense benefits from such tips. Follow them and overcome the problem of procrastination.

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